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The Game is simple; choose a character and control their daily life. But what if that character is actually a real person?

Basic Addiction is a 17 minute science fiction film. The film follows Julia, a teenage girl who loses control of her actions after someone chooses her as a character in 'the Game'. The Player decides the actions Julia can take, including whether or not she should hurt her friend, choose a red pill or blue pill and to become a murderer or not.

Basic Addiction: Text


I made a vlog/making-of video in the process of filming 'Basic Addiction'.

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Basic Addiction: News
Basic Addiction: Pro Gallery

Pre-production and production documents

To streamline the filmmaking process, I decided to create documents such as call sheets and shot lists; as professionally as I could. I learnt the benefits and process of making these pre-production/production documents during my time at the Kent BFI Film Academy.

Basic Addiction: Text
Basic Addiction: Pro Gallery


The idea for Basic Addiction had been brewing in my mind for a while. After growing up playing simulation games as a form of escapism and to explore my creativity, I had wondered whether my actions could be controlling more than just a pixelated character. With the rise of social media, conspiracy theories flourished and I often read about (sometimes very exaggerated, sometimes compelling) ideas that we ourselves are in a simulation. After all, haven't you ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why you went there in the first place? Some would say this is a player cancelling your action. I have also always wondered the impact of technology. Technology seems to be developing at an uncontrollable rate and this often fills me with fear. Technology has become more than a vehicle to improve our lives, it's turned into more of a competition to see who an invent the wildest thing first. 
Somehow, from these influences, the idea of 'Basic Addiction' was formed. I don't think the technology is that unrealistic or far into the future. We are already being controlled by technology, in a more subtle way of course. Just look at social media and how the algorithms are spectacularly designed to keep you glued, to keep you online. That brings me to my last influence; addiction. The Player in the Game is addicted to the Game after using it as a way to escape their devastating home life. 
Media inspirations include Black Mirror (specifically Bandersnatch; the interactive Netflix film).

Basic Addiction: Text

©2021 by Paula Szczyrba. Proudly created with

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